Dear Friends,


As I was preparing for this upcoming Sunday’s Message for One Heart One Mind CSL, the word “SPARKLE.” kept appearing to me. I love that word. Every time I think of it or say it, I smile. What if you thought about that word every day in all that you do? A smile would naturally appear on your shining face and others would see it and start smiling too. We know when someone laughs, we all are inclined to laugh. Same with smiling. When you smile, people automatically smile. When your smile becomes a SPARKLE, people around you feel your glow, joy and love presence.


We all love Santa and what he represents, his goodness, love, and joy of giving. We see his face SPARKLING, and eyes twinkling. In the coming 2024 year I suggest we think about being the SPAKRLE in someone else’s life. BE the one with the kind word. BE the one who pays it forward. BE the one who makes an effort to see a friend in the hospital. BE the one who forgives and calls an estranged friend or relative. The Course in Miracles says, “Would you rather be right or happy?” The more you SPARKLE with the vibrations of Love, Joy, Forgiveness, and Appreciation of Life, the more you SPARKLE as a Divine Being. Bring that joy into your life, and into another person’s life!




S – SERVICE. Be in service to Self (love yourself and know your worth) and be in service to others with a SMILE.


P – PAUSE and listen without distractions to others and what they need.


A – ALWAYS BE your AUTHENTIC self. No more hiding who you truly are.


R – REALIZE your God Given Power to create a life of Joy. No one can take that away from you.


K – KINDNESS is Heart’s Intelligence. Allow Kindness to guide your way.


L – LOVE and be the LIGHT of God.


E – ENERGY and vibration is God’s ESSENCE moving through you. Always keep it high.


SMILE, SHINE and SPARKLE in the New Year!