Dance Along the Way

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
It’s to enjoy each step along the way.
-Wayne Dyer

Dear Friends,

We are beginning to leave the summer behind and embrace the newness of the Fall.  I can’t help thinking of Wayne Dyer, one of the icons of positive health, wholeness, prosperity and high consciousness. We honor him today for his love, wisdom and compassion for humanity.  His earth time is over and we know he is in the midst of embracing the newness and wonder of the other side.  I love his quote above.  I believe through his childhood and adulthood he kept dancing through it all. He found his secret to living a happy, purposeful and abundant life and was willing to share it with the world. Wayne, we know you are embraced in Divine Love as you continue your eternal journey.

We were at a friend’s memorial yesterday and we all celebrated the fun memories we had as well as the sad. We know this person too is moving forward on his forever life journey.

So, while we are still here in our earth life, let us take time to celebrate the life we have with our friends and family. Take the time to call, email, visit and express your love and appreciation while they are visible and within hugging reach.

Remember to laugh, dance and enjoy each step along the way.
