Right and True Action

“I have come to the earth to serve life,
to serve the grand scheme of the evolution of mankind.”
White Eagle, Spiritual Unfoldment 2
White Eagle
Let us not be distracted by the drama of the political life and the inhumane actions we see and hear on the news. We must continue to stand in Truth, and  Faith,  knowing God is still in charge of our life, the life of others, in this world, other worlds and all dimensions. We are here to serve the ONE with the highest consciousness we possess. White Eagle says, “The Great White Light of Christ is the healer of all conflict and of all ills of man’s soul and body… Evil is the destroyer, but Light is ever the builder, the constructor and you who listen to and read our words are called to serve,
to action by the invisible hosts.”
Do you feel “called to action?”  How would that look?
Action is standing up for what is right and true.
For me, right and true is:
• Loving and supporting those in need, those who are hurting, by others’ thoughts, words and deeds.
• Standing up for those whose intentions are pure regardless of what others of their faith, creed or culture are doing.
• Showing compassion for those who have not had the opportunity I have had and helping them on their journey.
• Knowing all people  have a soul, a spirit and are playing a temporary role in this earth dimension to help us WAKE up to our Divinity and to share that Truth with others.
• What ever appears “bad” is only a blessing in disguise.
What is right and true for YOU?
Know it,  Believe it Live it!
Blessings, Abigail and Steve



“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate,
no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”
-Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

We just celebrated the 4th of July, watching beautiful fireworks at a synagogue resting on the top of a hill. It was a magnificent display of color and brilliance. It is so much fun to see this every year and yet I always want to take moments to count my blessings of freedom.  I live in a country whose constitution states freedom and liberty are inherent rights for all people.  I am grateful I can worship they way I choose to, go where I want to go and do what I feel I am called to do.  For this month, why not try an experiment with me.

*Write down all the FREEDOMS you have  in your life.
Are there any areas you do not feel as free?
*Write those down and then close your eyes and ask Spirit to show you how to bring forth  freedom in those areas for the highest good of all.. 
Allow your MIND to wander, be creative and intuitive.
New and wonderful answers and ideas from Spirit will pop up and surprise you. As you continue to do this, you may feel those “limits’ or non-freedoms begin to melt away.
Always end your writing with:
We are all so fortunate in so many ways. Count your blessings of FREEDOM!

FREEDOM and Gratitude,
Abigail and Steve