Dear Friends,
Yesterday we celebrated Martin Luther King Day. I love his beautiful quote saying ” Only
Light can drive out darkness and Love can drive out hate. At this time I encourage everyone to intentionally send Light and Love to anyone who is promoting hate. Light and Love is God within each person. We need to remember that truth about ourselves and our neighbors, all of humanity.
We are about to bring in a NEW AGE of Consciousness with our new President,
Joe Biden. Any time there is change, the old just does not want to leave or give up.
What is the old? The old is racism, divisiveness, inequality, hate, fear of the other and more. This is the time the NEW is breaking through and the TRUTH is appearing in all areas of life. We are ONE people, unified under God. We are Divinely connected. When
we hurt another, we hurt ourselves.
We must not only pray for peace on our streets we must pray for those in our state,
US Capital, and the world. We must pray that the Consciousness of God, within ALL people, will rise up. It is like a flower finding its way through a crack in the sidewalk cement. The cement tries to hold firm, however the flower with all its precious goodness and beauty cannot be stopped. God Consciousness cannot be stopped! It is rising in each and every one of us to a greater degree.
We must also pray for the ability to forgive. I was wonderfully reminded about
who I Am and who everyone else is from hearing this wonderful children’s book,
Take a few moments to watch the story on You Tube.
Without forgiveness, we cannot have unconditional love for ourselves and everyone.
It is our spiritual evolution.
Loving and Forgiving,
Abigail and Steve