Circle of Love


Dear Friends,
Believe it or not, we are in FEBRUARY, the month of sweetness, love and Valentine’s Day. Today let us imagine a      Circle of Love
where everyone holds each others hands with the intent to always drop hands to let another person into the circle. Imagine the
circle becoming wider and wider and people laughing, singing, chanting with joy and love for one another.

Let us all imagine the circle surrounding the earth and all that love radiating out into the world and universe. Imagine the angels
smiling on us and joining in the celebration!
This Circle of Love is inclusive, so no one is left out.
All are welcome, all races, nationalities, cultures, ethnicities, immigrants, genders, young, old, in-between, homeless, the good and the bad.
For we are All God’s children, loved without preference or favoritism. The Oneness, the safety, the security, the connection,
the non-judgement and Unity is felt by all.
What a wonderful world we would live in. Let us make it happen!!!




Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureat shared her beautiful poem,
“The Hill We Climb”

Dear Friends,

It was a beautiful inauguration day for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. It feels like we have America back in balance, truth and integrity again. Let us keep our President and Vice President in our prayers as they restructure our society to be inclusive, equal, diverse, and compassionate, for people of all colors, nationalities, ethnicities, genders, and gender preferences, EVERYONE!

I feel like our new leaders are role modeling from the top down, the ideas of communication, collaboration, and uplifting the wide strengths, skills and wisdom of diverse people to help lead this democratic country. We again have leapt forward in consciousness as we did in 2008 with President Obama. Unfortunately the old ways and old paradigm took over for 4 years, where divisiveness, exclusivity and autocracy was thought the only way to run our country. However the old ways must change to allow the new paradigm to come in, democracy to flourish, so all can benefit and prosper.

The NEW is really not knew but ancient spiritual wisdom. We are all one people in, as
and of God. Each one is loved and unique.
Each one is “the individualization of the One Spirit and all people are individualizations of the One Spirit.” (What We Believe by Ernest Holmes).
Let us continue to BE this High Consciousness of Inclusivity, Equality, and Diversity and DO what we must do to insure these ideals in our family, friendships, work places, churches, centers, mosques, temples, synagogues, organizations and charities.

Abigail and Steve