Retire Rewire Reinvent

March 2, 2020

Dear Friends,

Last Saturday we attended (via zoom) the retirement of a minister friend who founded and served her church center for 30 years. It was a lovely honoring of her and all she has done.
It was a celebratory evening and the celebration is over. Now what!
We know the idea of “Retirement” can be hard for some people, while others relish in the thought of creating a new purpose and life. I like to think of retirement as “reinventing” ones wheel of life. I certainly have had several “reinventions,” from:
• Retiring from 20 years of elementary teaching to ministry
• Child Centered Church ministry to Family Spiritual Center
• FSC to Interfaith Services
• Interfaith Services to Executive Director of POINT Interfaith Team.
Everyday I “retire” the day before and “reinvent” myself in the new day!

It does not matter whether we are in a pandemic, we still have the Creative Urge and Pull within us to be and do what is ours to do. What is calling you? What are you ready to RETIRE from in your life. What no longer serves you?
What makes you happy? What have you put on a shelf for the past few years? Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon, former CSL Leader said he is, “Retired and Rewired.”

Can we rewire ourselves and feel excitement about NEWNESS in our lives? Everyday we have the opportunity to retire ideas, projects, and reinvent or rewire ourselves into someone and something new.
Maybe it is time to create a new VISION BOARD!
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith is a leader in Visioning. and he suggests we ask three questions of ourselves:
• What must I release?
• What must I embrace/embody?
• What must I become?
Rev. Jane Beach suggests we ask:
• What’s the one change I can make today that would improve my life?
• What activities make me happiest?
• When I look back, how will I know I have truly lived my life?
Your Vision Board can be as elaborate as pasting pictures, symbols and words on a large cardboard poster. It can be as simple as drawing simple figures, words, ideas in your morning journals. The physicality of cutting, pasting, and drawing solidifies your vision and your reinvention.

Remember, EVERY day is a NEW day and we are here to use and be the God Power within us. Life is precious. Let us live it the way we wish. Retire what no longer serves or is useful to us. Reinvent, rewire and expand our life journey in consciousness and action.

Visioning a New Way,
Abigail and Steve