Dear Friends,
I was reading an article by Louisa Rogers in the Unity Magazine and she said, ”
” ‘Footwork’ means if I’m going to ask God to help me solve a problem, I need to step up myself, so I try to remember to offer what I’ll do.
It’s only fair, after all. We’re a team.”

Two words that caught my eye were FOOTWORK and TEAM. I think of all the football games happening now as they get ready for the Super bowl.
Without exceptional footwork and a unified team, the game will be poorly played. Our personal “footwork,” active praying, active doing etc,
in combination with understanding that GOD is our team, will manifest all affirmative prayers.

Have you ever said, “Why can’t God DO something about this!!!???” Well God does and is doing ‘something about this, whatever this is…’
However God is not a pie in the sky God, or looking down on us judging us, or making something happen without our investment in it. The TRUTH is ,
od is in us, as us and works through us. We need to “step up” and be an active participant in team God, in order to receive an answer to prayer.

Sometimes when we pray, we Affirm and expect immediate action or we have our own idea of what should be done. That is the ego speaking.
Affirmations are just a part of prayer. Once our desires are spoken, our part is to LISTEN to the still small voice of God within to do what we need to do next.
The football players can say “I want to win.” However winning happens when each member of the team LISTENS to the coach and the other members of the TEAM.
Listen to God and always ask, “This or something better.”

When you pray, move your feet is also an African proverb often repeated by the late Congressman John Lewis .
Quakers also say, “When you pray, move your feet. This idea is a commonality among cultures and religions.

The word “TREAT” in New Thought refers to Scientific Prayer Treatment, which is a 5 step process acknowledging our ONENESS in and as God.
God, Spirit, Mind, whatever you wish to call IT, is within us as our Only Power. As we speak and affirm our desire through this prayer
process we know it is heard and acted upon quickly in the Spiritual Dimension. As we sit quietly to hear our God voice we receive answers.
Prayer is a process and answers come when the time is Divinely right for all concerned.

Dr. Ebon Alexander said, “There is an interconnection between the soul and the Mind of the Universe.” Let us listen and understand we are always
connected to God, to the Divine Mind of the universe, wherever we are, whatever we do. As New Thought people say, “There is no spot where God
is not.” Whether you are at home, work, faith center, or in nature, you are always connected to GOD Within because God IS YOU.

Know God is the Only Power.
Know your Oneness in, as and of God.
Affirm and declare your desire.
Release your way to a higher way. Let Go Let God.
Be Grateful for the Divine outcome.