We Are One

Chief Seattle Web of life


Dear Friends,

As the quote from Chief Seattle says above, we are all ONE, and we are all connected in the web of life. What one part of the web feels, we all feel. The feeling vibrates out and moves every part of the web.

“When we recognize that we are all connected, we begin to understand that our life touches more people than we can ever know….What kind of a difference are we making?

What we do to one, we do to all.

What we do FOR one, we do for all.”

(Dennis Merritt Jones -May Science of Mind Magazine)

As we walk the Labyrinth on Saturday we will mindfully think, feel and affirm our oneness with each other while walking with those around the world.The more we raise our energy vibration/consciousness to that of oneness, peace, contentment, camaraderie, compassion, joy, love, friendship, safety & security we know it ripples out to the consciousness of the world in the one web of life and comes back to us as well!

Come join us Saturday and be a part of something GREATER than yourself!

Saturday, May 7th

12:45pm – Group Prayer around Labyrinth

1:00 – Walk as ONE

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