Make a Turn, Pull a Weed

weeds or flowers

Dear Friends,
At our Labyrinth Walk last Saturday one of our attendees mentioned how aware she was of the twists and turns on the labyrinth path. It reminded her of how her  personal life had taken different turns and how her decisions made her go either left or right. Many of these “turns” were “Defining Moments” in her life.
I understood what this lovely lady was saying because every defining moment for me meant I had to make a change, go in a different direction, move left or right and yet always forward. Today as I pondered this idea and walked the labyrinth,  I also noticed several little weeds happily springing up in spite of the hard decomposed granite.  These weeds, for me, symbolized  the areas I still need to work on, ideas to eliminate from consciousness, actions to stop, emotions to heal.
Today, think back on your life journey.  Where were your defining moments?  Are  you coming up on one now? Will you need to go in a different direction? What areas of your life feel like weeds?  Are you ready to uproot what does not belong to you or no longer serves you?
Twists, turns and weeds of life are our teachers. ALL is meant to bless us.              Enjoy your Walk!