Smiling Repose

JUGGLING too much

Dear Friends,
Have you ever felt like you were juggling just too many balls in the air?  I came to that conclusion today when I emailed a friend asking a question I had asked her before and never got an answer, or so I thought.  When she emailed back she said “I did mention to you……”  Deep in my memory banks  I knew she had told me her answer.  It is as if it went in one ear and out the other and I moved on too quickly to the next thing to take care of on my list of “to do’s”.
Times like these remind me to  just stop for a moment and breathe in  the air, love, breath of God.  I needed to just Pray for the answer, the solution, the next step.  My ego does not have to think it is in charge of all the details. I need to allow the Divine Spirit within me to flow in all my activities, responsibilities with grace and ease. Already I feel better.
Making lists are good. Releasing them and allowing God to be in charge of the when, how to, and where is better!
As Emerson says,
“The Infinite lies stretched in smiling repose.”
I will meet my God-Self there!