With all the happenings in the world we need to ask ourselves what FREEDOM means to us. We just celebrated our country’s freedom and lost women’s freedom. FREEDOM is a RIGHT for All people, regardless of color, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender or gender preference. If we are being denied our right to make free choices, then we are not living in a country that spouts freedom with words and not with actions. In the recent events where rulings say women do not have power of choice, I believe we have de-evolved.

“If you don’t accept that bodily automony is an essential unconditional liberty, it’s a waste of time talking to you at all. No other liberties survive without that one, more fundamental than property rights. If you don’t own yourself absolutely, you own nothing. If every time men had sex, they risked death, physical disability, social shunning, a life altering interruption of their education or career, and the sudden life-long responsibility for another being, I think they’d expect a choice in the matter.”

(author unknown)

From Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert