Be Present

Be Present

Last week I was on a lovely personal retreat.  It had been raining and the mist felt like God kisses.  I was comfy, warm and loving the little house I rented for a few days on the Questhaven Ministries campus in Escondido.  I give myself this time once a year for self reflection, contemplation, meditation and prayer.  The next morning I was taking my walk on a lovely path in nature, when somehow  my mind seemed to keep returning to situations from the past.  At the same time, I kept hearing hammering up ahead and wondered where that was coming from   Sound in nature carries and it could be from any direction.  Thinking about the past, and looking ahead to discover the noise, made me totally unaware of the PRESENT.   I did not see the deep ruts in the road from all the rain we have had and OOPS I fell down hard on my right side and sprained my left ankle.  Pain and light-headedness almost engulfed me, but I put my hands around my ankle and started to pray.  Soon I was able to stand up and walk back uphill (took 35 minutes) to my little retreat house.  I did what was necessary to bring the swelling down, then stayed quiet the rest of the day and reflected on what just happened.
How many times have we heard, be here now, stay in the present, etc. I was not in the present when I needed to be, so I took a slip of consciousness which resulted in a fall to my body.  It made me “remember” how important it is to keep our minds on God, on good, on love, on peace, on harmony, on blessings right here and now!
Love and forgive your past, but don’t “tary” on it.
Love and prepare for the future,  but don’t dwell on it.
Love and be Present in the NOW always. Be aware, be alert, be AWAKE and be grateful to all the good that is yours in this moment of time.

 The Present Moment is the only moment available to us,
and it is the door to all moments.
-Thich Nhat Hanh