Quiet Beauty Trust Surrender

woman yoga

The picture above says it all for me this week.
Quiet, Beauty, Trust, Surrender, Peace,
Taking time to be by yourself for self reflection,and  contemplation will refresh your  body, mind and soul.  Being quiet touches the very place where God resides within you. This is the place where you can surrender what no longer serves you and be open to new ideas and, a new direction for your life.
There is a quote by Albert Einstein which I love.
“I must be willing to give up what I am
in order to become what I will be.”
January is almost over and many of us have written down our goals, our dreams, our visions, even our bucket list. Are they all really that important?  What if GOD has a greater idea for your life?!  Greater Love, Greater Blessings, Greater Good!             Wouldn’t you want that instead?
Take your lists, bless them, then let them go and say;Thank you God, for this or something even Greater. I accept the Divine Plan for my life  unfolding quickly and in peace with grace and ease. I release the strains and anxieties I create by pushing for what I think I want or should have.
I am quiet in Your beauty God. I trust, I surrender,
I am at Peace.