Songs of a Mockingbird

In the morning we very often hear the beautiful songs of the Mockingbird. It is as if it is trying to sing out to the world, in as many bird (insect, amphibian) songs  as possible  to all who will listen and hear.
God calls us too, in many different ways, in many different cultures, languages  and in many different faith traditions. One of our minister friends, Hal Lingerman, says there are over 7 billion faiths in the world because each person resonates uniquely in their faith. Even those sharing  the same religion don’t see eye to eye on various tenets, dogmas and/or creeds.  It is all Consciousness and we take in what we need to hear and believe.
God is ALL GOOD and created ALL from Its God-Self, so in essence we are all made GOOD! As the mockingbird sings for joy to the other birds and animals, God’s Goodness speaks with love and joy to all people everywhere from all cultures, languages and faith traditions in ways each person can understand.
Only man can twist and turn the message of Good out of context  from our Creator’s original intent.
Today, let us honor all faith paths, honor all religions, and all the Masters, Teachers, Saviors, and Avatars  that came singing God’s song to the people, culture and consciousness of the time.