
Halloween Pumpkin 2
Halloween is definitely around the corner. We see decorated front porches with wonderful pumpkins, witches, ghosts and mummies.  The stores have all the candy and costumes beckoning children and adults.  It truly is a time for fun and frivolity.  I got into a discussion with a lady age 80+ and she loves the holiday.  She said it is a time when her normal colorful and unique outfits really fit in! Others say they can play at being who they are not. We know actors do this all the time. The quietest actor at home may be loud and outrageous on the stage.  Even the musical group KISS painted on faces that represented something else, not truly who they were.  It is all about MASKS.  Halloween is a time for masks and dressing up and is fun for the day. However in our everyday world how often do we adorn personality  masks?
*Are we trying to be something just to impress someone?
*Are we giving false credentials or information just to get a job?
*Are we going along with the crowd just to try and “fit in?”
These masks are not fun and can interfere with our integrity, vitality, who we really are and meant to be.  There is a wonderful song by Rev. Christy Snow that says, “the person you see on stage is not the same one with family, and the person in the dating game is not the same one at work etc.” The song continues and shows that once the person is authentic with him or herself the face everyone sees is the same.  No need to pretend, or hide the truth. Being ourselves is truly FREEING!
Nothing to hide is joyfully LIBERATING!
Whether you wear a mask on Halloween or not, always be true to yourself, respect yourself, love yourself and honor your vibrant, spiritual Self!