Healing Labyrinth Walk

R. White writes,” Walking the labyrinth supposedly promotes spiritual awakening and deeper inner knowledge. Followers testify to arousal of feelings (good and bad), renewed creativity, brain re-mapping and energy production. Labyrinths have taken their place next to sacred circle dances and sweet-grass ceremonies taught as rediscovered ancient practices to enhance spiritual growth” Labyrinth healing Dear Friends, HEALING, what is the secret? We all have had our physical and emotional challenges, and when our bodies and minds  begin to FEEL better there is such a sense of relief!  I keep going back to the Master Jesus’s words, “What I do you can do also, and even greater things.”  He was a Master healer.  Today in our world I know we have Masters walking the earth healing and doing “even greater things.”  Some are known to the public and others are not.  Each person I have met who has “the gift” has told me everyone has the potential. I read in the “Creative Thought” magazine a prayer by J. Alison Hiber, RScP, who said, “I declare my freedom in knowing there is nothing broken, nothing to fix , nothing to save, and nothing to improve….There is no improvement, there is only evolution; God guides the way.” The Holy Zohar, The book of Avraham states, “For the manifestation of complete fulfillment to take place, we need to evolve into our truest, greatest selves. In our thoughts, our feelings, and our action, we need to erase negativity and replace darkness with Light.” To me HEALING is an Evolution of Consciousness. As we begin to explore the potential within us and acknowledge our Divinity, our Light, we can begin to accept the amazing spiritual masters we really are!

Come join us this Saturday to explore and evolve into your personal mastery and Discover Your Secret to Healing !

Saturday, December 6th 1:30-4pm Love Offering Bring a Prayer Bear

Steve and Abigail will deliver the bears to the patients at Palomar Hospital                     in Escondido.

All Faith Center, 17762 St. Andrews Dr. Poway, CA 92064