Connected at Our Soul

“May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world
for all humankind.”
Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Dear Friends,

My friend and colleague
Rev. Dr. Pattie Weber wrote:Soul Connection

“We are all connected at the soul.”  I loved reading her words, for they are so true. The meaning of this concept  is important for us to be aware of and think about every day when we are with our family, friends and people we know and meet. We are all connected at the soul.  There may be times during this holiday season, with all the hustle and bustle in the stores and on the streets, we may be feeling just the opposite. Long lines, rude people, busy traffic, all may contribute to our feelings of disconnect with each other and ultimately God.  When an irritation creeps up, just stop and say to yourself, “I am connected at the soul level with this person.  I am connected to God in this person.”  Thinking those very thoughts will create a shift in consciousness, which will ultimately shift your action and/or reaction in the next  moment.  Anytime we raise our consciousness by knowing the truth of our being and the truth of another person’s being (same truth), it brings the world closer to the ultimate peace we are all striving for. I am connected to you. You are connected to me. We are ONE in, as and of God.  What a beautiful gift to know and be.  Much love from my soul to your soul, the One Soul of God..