Capture the Moment

 Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life
Omar Khayyam


Dear Friends,
My morning walks are not only nourishing, they are Divinely inspiring.  One morning I was enthralled by the beauty of God’s works and I stopped by a spectacular spider web. It was huge, intricate and stunning as the sun sparkled on the web.  I had to look at it deeply and take a picture.  I really wanted to Capture the Moment!  On my walks I do set an intention to be alert for God signs, whispers, and gifts of glorious newness.  If I don’t, I will miss them.
When my children were little they were always so independent, which was great.  However, there were those moments when they came to me and just wanted to talk, show me something or to just sit on my lap.  No matter what I was doing, or how busy I was, I always stopped to capture the moment with them. Once they felt heard, nourished and listened to, they were off being independent again!  We must always make time to stop and capture the moment for love and well being or it will be gone.
•Give a loved one an unexpected hug and kiss.        …C the M
•Hug and kiss your kids and grand kids even when they are wet, dirty, muddy and joyful  from playing outside… C the M
•Look up at the sky and appreciate the clouds and all the formations they create…        C the M
•See a tree, climb it, talk to the Merlin in it. What does it tell you?  …C the M

Gnarled Tree

            Set an intention to discover something new in your                         neighborhood.  Be open to discovery….

PLANT Unknown

even if you are not sure what it is
Stop and Capture the Moment!