Let Go, BE God


Dear Friends,

I love looking at all the beautiful trees on my morning walks. Lately I noticed the birch trees were shedding their outer bark and underneath was this new and very smooth white bark.   What a wonderful example of shedding what no longer serves us.  Letting go of any negativity that is layered on top of our true God selves.

The trees looked free and happy swaying in the wind.  We too can be free and happy when we let go of what no longer serves us:




victim attitude

….you add yours.

Underneath it all is our True God Conscious Self, always ready willing and available to emerge through the darkness of our consciousness and BE the light, smooth loving spirit that we are intended to be.

I believe our hearts were blown wide open by Pope Frances’ visit this past week. His words were kind, and yet he made us look at our social and justice system and how we can improve it, by taking care of and respecting others of all faith, cultures, creeds and affiliations.

All people are God’s people. All people are God in Expression. All people are sacred.  Let us truly practice the Golden and the Platinum rule in our lives wherever we go and whomever we are with. The more we do that, the more the unwanted layers peel away and we shed what no longer serves us.  We become and behave as God, in all, as all because God is all.