December 24, 2024

Dear Friends,

Twas the Night Before Christmas and All Through the House not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…

Metaphysically we know the night before Christmas is a sacred time, a holy moment as we celebrate the NEW being who came into LIFE centuries ago, the Christ Child named Jesus. This evening is also a sacred and quiet preparation for the birth of our own Christ Consciousness, our own way of being LOVE in this physical world of experiences and effects.

One of my favorite Christmas Carols is “Oh Holy Night.”                                                  Verse three says…                                                                                                          “Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His Gospel is Peace
Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother
And in His name, all oppression shall cease…”

It doesn’t get simpler than that. We have a choice. Every situation can be met with LOVE or not. Rev. Dr. Missy Higginbotham told a story in the book Works of Heart, about her experience with an angry costumer, who was berating a female cashier. She heard his outrage and told him “That’s not nice.” He immediately lashed out on Missy and called her names. In the book Missy said, “People who are in pain, angry, scared and feeling out of control of their lives will often deliberately strike out with words intended to hurt others. We can play their game of victim/victimizer, speak up or not.” Rev. Missy said she kept blessing him and said “Thank you so much.” He then left the store.

Loving the unlovable is truly a Christ Consciousness gift. Rev. Missy said, “What we damn, damns us back, what we bless, blesses us in return. Our energy fields will pass that information on to the energy fields of all those present. Isn’t that what we really want to surround us, the energy of PEACE, LOVE, KINDNESS, MERCY and UNDERSTANDING. Jesus the Christ was born with this Consciousness and taught it throughout his life and beyond.

During this time before Christmas let us give the gift of LOVE, PEACE and BLESSINGS to others in all situations and also to ourselves. This is the Night Before the sacred Christ-Mass Consciousness Circles the World.

Peace and Love, Abigail and Steve





Dear Friends,

On my morning meditation table, I have a picture of a rose and the words, “LOVE is the Answer.” I believe to every question, every request, every hurt and/or every fear, LOVE is the answer. Who do we pray to? LOVE – GOD.

Our answers come forth as LOVE especially when we embrace the feelings of Love when we pray. I read this beautiful poem in the July Daily Word.

“Love Is the Key” by Mary Berg

“God is a flame, igniting my heart,
fueling my breath from the very start.
The vastness of the world, all that I see,
the splendor of choices living in me.
Embers, coals, sparks lit from within-
electricity, light waves glowing on skin.
Love ever dancing, love is the key.
Love is the answer, love sets me free.”

Reading the last line, I realize I need to add “Love sets me free” to my meditation picture. LOVE Truly does set us free. When we embrace LOVE and allow the feeling of Love to move through us and out into our world, our people, our family, our friends, and those who have hurt us, we are FREE.

We are free of guilt, anger, hostility, sorrow. LOVE cannot exist with those emotions. It may take awhile to bump ourselves up on the emotional scale, however when we do, we are FREE. We feel good, we feel healthy, we feel blessed, we feel God as Love emanating through us and everyone. We begin to change our world.

The Law of Attraction says, we attract who we are. LOVE is the GREAT ATTRACTOR in life. When there is an uncomfortable situation or experience you are going through, take a moment, close your eyes and bless it with love and say:

Love is in charge of this situation, experience.
Love is the answer. Love sets me free.

When we know we are part of the immensity of LIFE, of LOVE, of GOD we realize every thought creates change not only in our life, but in every life. The African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Are we not all someone’s children? Are we not all part of the village of humanity? (Daily Word) When we read the daily paper and see man’s inhumanity to man, very often we make judgements about who is right and who is wrong. Remember there is Divine Justice. There is also Divine LOVE. As humans we love and forgive our children who make mistakes and possibly follow a broken path. GOD Always loves us no matter what we do and what path we take. People around the world are broken, hurting and/or suffering and we as part of the human family can send them LOVE. Wrap them in a blanket of light, love, beauty, compassion and kindness.

Chief Seattle says, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” (Daily Word)                                                                                     “As you give, so shall you receive.” (Jesus the Master Teacher).

We are all connected in this world. The “worst of the worst” is still connected to us. We all have the DNA of GOD within us, which makes us ONE entity. As we begin to make LOVE our priority in EVERY situation and experience, the ripple affect will touch everyone and far exceed what we can imagine.


LOVE is the KEY
LOVE sets me FREE.

Much Love,
Abigail and Steve




Dear Friends,

We have all heard the famous Bible quote from Ecclesiastes 3:1-10
(King James Version).
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;… (verses 1-4),,,and a time to love,(8)

…a time to laugh
After reading the newspapers and hearing the news on the TV, I think it is time for all of us to be in the BELLY LAUGH Season!
Laughing is the best medicine and we can change our vibrational atmosphere with laughter. We can change someone else’s vibration and/or emotional sadness with our joy and laughter. Laughter is contagious.
It is the BEST Virus around. Let us keep passing it along to others.



‘Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be.”
-Whitney Houston
“Laughter is a holy thing. It is as sacred as music and silence and solemnity, maybe more sacred. Laughter is like a prayer,
like a bridge over which creatures tiptoe to meet each other.”
Ted Loder (May Science of Mind Magazine)


…a time to dance
Let us find time to DANCE with the music!
If you can’t dance enjoy the beat, tap your foot, clap your hands, wheel your chair and SMILE!!!
I loved watching the dance TV shows. It made me happy and my feet were a tapping.
It was amazing the amount of hard work it took to produce a great dance every week.
As hard as it seemed everyone loved dancing and were joyful!


Some years ago I went to a Performing Arts Event in Poway, where the dancers from ‘Dancing With the Stars’TV show were performing.
After the performance I went backstage to see them and actually met two of the dancers, Chelsea Hightower and Dimitri Chaplin. I was the first in line and I asked Dmitry Chaplin if he would dance with me. He said “Yes. of course!”
For a few minutes I was in heaven! It brought me such great joy, I will never forget it!


…a time to love
Make someone SMILE today. We never know the crisis, grief or hardship a person may be going through. Be the one to up lift them and bring them joy and LOVE with words of kindness, support and encouragement.


OUR Season for laughing, dancing and loving is NOW. Relish it, enjoy it and make it happen!


Laugh, Dance, Love,
Abigail and Steve










February is always known as the month of LOVE. Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, you can always celebrate God’s love within everyone.
It is this LOVE that truly WEAVES us together. We do not have to “love” the personality, behavior, or attitude of a person, however we can always LOVE
the Divine Spirit that emanates the person. LOVE is our Unity and what holds us all together. It is our commonality and connection with humanity.
I love the song WEAVE. We sang this often when we held church services.

Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together,
weave us together, together in love.

We are many textures,
we are many colours,
Each one different from the other.
But we are entwined with one another
in one great tapestry.

Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together,
weave us together, together in love.

We are diff’rent instruments,
playing our own melodies,
Each one tuning to a diff’rent key.
But we are all playing in harmony,
in one great symphony.

Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together,
weave us together, together in love.

The song says it all. LOVE is not just romantic, It is LIFE. It is the glue that
that weaves in, through and as us. We are all different,(culture, faith, ethnicity, gender preference, politics) yet we are here in life to uphold each other,
encourage each other and above all to LOVE each other.

This may be a fun activity for your faith group. Better yet, invite a different faith group to join you in this project.
dole rod
multi color ribbons
different color markers
Hang 2′-3′ ribbons (25) vertically on dole rod
Write words of LOVE (kindness, compassion, joy, patience, unity etc.) on another 25 ribbons then WEAVE them horizontally onto the vertical ribbons.
Be Creative with more or less ribbons.
Just the act of doing this project brings people together!


Bringing in the NEW YEAR


Dear Friends,

We had a few cancellations for the Labyrinth Walk so I will bring some of the ideas to you in a nutshell. Each one of you can perform your own ritual of releasing the old and bringing in the new. Enjoy the process!

All wisdom traditions have light coming from darkness giving way to
a new beginning.
Just as:
Dark days of winter move into longer and lighter days.
Crisis and Tragedy brings forth blessings.
Loss brings forth new opportunities and spiritual growth.
We Honor and Release the past & what no longer serves us.
We are grateful and bless our past, present and future.
We know with every ending there is a new beginning.
We expand on the past and take our learnings with us.

What GIFT, blessing , goodness or learning did you receive,
and did not expect in 2021?

What no longer serves you? Person, place, thing?
Is it an item of clothing, a garage full of “stuff?” Is it a job, a toxic friend or family member? Is it worry, anger , unforgiveness, guilt, feeling unworthy or not good enough? These attitudes are barriers built against love for others and especially for yourself. Ernest Holmes says,
“Through the power of LOVE we can let go of past history and begin again!”
We can choose to let go of any hurt and forgive ourselves and others.
Forgiveness opens up our heart for love.


Write down all that no longer serves you, and what you do not want to carry with you into 2022. Burn the paper safely. It is a great way to physically and mentally release any burdens, love blocks, physical, mental, and/or emotional.
If burning is not an option, tear the paper into tiny pieces and drop it in a bin.
What used to seem LARGE, is now tiny and dissipating completely.

What are you grateful for? What do you appreciate? These can be from
the past, the present and into the future. Always be grateful for what is coming.
If you have a small glass candle holder, write your gratitude words on the glass and put a candle in it. Metallic pens work best. The LIGHT will shine through your words. Read your words daily to stay in an attitude of gratitude.


What is the word from the Divine that will be your compass
in 2022?
In ancient days a White Stone signified a prisoner’s release from prison.
He was FREE. Your white stone today can also be your symbol of FREEDOM. You have released what no longer serves you, you are FREE to BE who you want to be and do what you want to do.
First, find a stone and ask God, Your Higher Consciousness, Higher Power what word will be your touchstone, compass, guiding light for 2022.
Write it on the stone with a black marker. Keep it near you daily.










What is the Universe’s (God’s) GIFT to you in 2022?
What do you want? What brings you JOY, Happiness? Create the story you wish to star in. Use you imagination and write it down as the next chapter in your life! Picture it daily.








What GIFT can you give the Universe (God)?
The world needs what you have to offer. What unique talents, skills and abilities do you have? How do you want to be remembered. Write it down
as if it already happened!



Who Is Your Teacher Today?







Dear Friends,

Who is your teacher today?
I was reading an article by Peter Bolan in the ‘Unity Magazine’ where a huge COYOTE appeared behind his house one morning. His dog set off the alarm with loud barks and growls. Peter saw a healthy coyote outside his back fence. There is high chaparral and a lake beyond. Peter lives in the San Diego area like Steve and I do, so I can relate. We hear coyotes howling late at night or early in the morning. We often see them running across our street since our house backs up to hills and valleys. As Peter watched the coyote he asked himself questions.
“What would it be like to be free from plans, desires?
What would it feel like not to have to make excuses?
What would it feel like to live in harmony with current conditions rather than wanting things to be different?…
Great teachers don’t tell you what to think. They help you ask
better questions.”

Everyday we have a chance to meet our animal and nature teachers. When we are open and receptive we have a teachable moment and mindset. When we start looking for teachers, we find them everywhere. On my walks, TREES are my teachers. They grow sturdy, yet flexible so as to bend and sway with the wind, instead of being blown down or breaking every time a storm brews. How flexible are you in these current times? Are you flexible with the flow, or are you digging your feet in the ground? Can you keep growing in your faith, yet be flexible and “Open at the top,” as Ernest Holmes writes?
In the morning I often hear BIRDS. Their sweet little souls create the most beautiful songs. I know it is a way for them to communicate with each other and I also believe they sing for pure delight and pleasure. Their singing reminds me to do the things I love to do. My question is, are you doing what you love to do, or are you doing what you think you should do?

I was reading the book, Medicine Cards, the Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals. Here are a few beautiful teachers.
TURTLE – ” Turtle buries its thoughts, like its eggs in the sand and allows the sun to hatch the little ones. This teacher is asking you to develop your ideas before bringing them out in the light.” Are you trying to develop something that has not been fully thought out?

BUTTERFLY – “It is the mind, and the ability to know the mind or to change it. It is the never-ending cycle of self-transformation.
Egg stage: Is this a thought, idea?
Larva stage: Is it time to make a decision?
Cocoon stage: Am I developing my idea to make
it a reality?
Birth/Butterfly stage: Am I sharing my completed idea?”

RABBIT – “The rabbit tends to be skittish and fearful. What are you fearful of? Stop talking about horrible things, and the ‘what ifs’. Write them down if you need to and breathe into them and then give them away.”
Ernest Holmes said, “Let go of fears into the nothingness from which they came.”

FROG – “Seeing a frog may remind you to describe your condition. Are you tired, overloaded, frustrated, guilty, nervous, at a loss? Time to take a break and bathe in a long relaxing bath, disconnect the phone, and take in deep cleansing breaths… Replenish your spirit, body and mind.”

HUMMINGBIRD – “Sings a vibration of pure joy. Plants and flowers live because of Hummingbird. Life is a wonderland of delight – darting from one beautiful flower to another, tasting the essences and radiating the colors.” If you see a Hummer, ask yourself, am I bringing joy and delight to others? Am I bringing out the BEST in others. Am I journeying to my highest ideal?

Teachers come in all forms, human, animal, nature and the Divine Voice within. Listen, be aware and mindful of the natural signs of wisdom.
We are here to learn. Life is our best teacher.

Who are your teachers today? Be open at the top, be receptive and discover joy and happiness, love and delight in all you do.

Open and Teachable,
Abigail and Steve

Happy Father’s Day

This coming Sunday is FATHER’S DAY! It is a day we celebrate our earth fathers, grandfathers, and all the men and women in the role of “father.”
We look to fathers for guidance, strength, love, encouragement, ideas and balance. It is a time to honor our dads. For without them, we would not be here. Last month we honored our mothers and all the women and men who are in that role. Mothers and Fathers give a child direction, values to live by, and balance in life.
On this day, and every day, we acknowledge our Heavenly Father-Mother God. The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine together, bring all the aspects of God in balance. We know that we are all emanations of God and we acknowledge our human fathers are emanations of God as well. Many of us are/were blessed to have a father/dad who treated us kindly, taught us well, encouraged us to follow our dreams and always said we have a place at home when we need comfort, support and understanding.
I was fortunate to remember my adoptive dad teaching me how to swim,
to ice skate, to drive a car. He encouraged me to play piano and clarinet
and my childhood dream to be a teacher. He helped me with my high school English papers so all my grammar was correct. He was an example of kindness and compassion. I have many great memories from the road trips I took with my father and mother. He has passed and I will still honor him on his day.
For those who had a difficult relationship with your fathers, here is a lovely quote from Carol Clemans,
“If your natural father was absent in your life physically or emotionally,
you need to know that God who is your Heavenly Father wants to bring healing to the brokenness of your heart.”
I never knew my birth dad. However I am grateful to him, for I would not be here today. I know there is a Divine Plan in my life and everyone’s life.
I believe it was my soul’s choice to come in and experience being adopted.
We know with ‘God All Things Are Possible.’ With God, as our Divine Father, our hearts are healed, our burdens lightened and our pain lifted. We know those who are hurting inside, often lash out to those they love. We know too,
at this time we have the consciousness to realize that truth and to forgive.
Today, we can be grateful and know God’s DNA is in us. We know we are God’s perfect child, totally loved and cared for.
On Father’s Day let us honor our fathers (who are here, and who have made their transitions) with blessings, gratitude, memories, forgiveness and love.
It is a day to celebrate our eternal Oneness with God, both Father and Mother, and ALL there is.



I am very excited to announce that my new book, A Rainbow for the World has just been released by Watersides Productions through  20 Spiritual Leaders from 20 different faiths contributed to the wealth of this book and it is a manuscript which invites the reader to experience the beauty and the truths of those 20 different faiths.  The book is endorsed by Azim Khamisa, U.N. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, Rabbi Alan Bachman and Dr. Barbara Fields.

Just as a Rainbow is not complete without the FULL SPECTRUM of colors, we are not complete without the FULL SPECTRUM of the many faiths, races, skin tones, cultures, creeds, etc.  The book also provides the reader with a “World Rainbow Meditation” which they can listen to on YouTube at the same time they are reading the words in the book.  The link for this book in paperback form is and the link for the E-book is .

Please feel free to forward this announcement to everyone you know who may be at home feeling isolated and uncertain as well as your friends and colleagues.  At a time when we each need a positive sign showing us that All Will Be Alright,  “A Rainbow for the World does just that.  WE CAN REBOOT ourselves into a new humanity of Love and Respect and experience a healthier world which works for everyone.  Enjoy!



Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert

World Interfaith Network


 NEW THOUGHT DAY First Sunday in March





ANNUAL New Thought Day
Celebrated the First Sunday in March every year (since 2012)

This is the day New Thought Centers celebrate their legacy and tradition around        the world.
Rev. Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science
Rev. Drs. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, founders of Unity
Rev. Melinda Cramer, Founder of Divine Science

“In 2011, after realizing the different New Thought organizations’ focus on differences rather than similarities, Rev. Dr. Steve Albert brought them together and created “New Thought Day,” observed on the first Sunday in March of each year.

The first public announcement was made at Hillside International Truth Center (the late Rev. Dr. Barbara King’s center) in July 2012, and in January 2013 the Multifaith Action Society included New Thought Day on their annual calendar.

Rev. Dr. Steve and Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert founded the All Faith Center in Northern San Diego County. Both are active, long time members of ANTN, and Abigail is a past Board president.

Attached is the PowerPoint which has been edited and approved by 10 New Thought organizations including: Unity World-wide Ministries, Centers for Spiritual Living, Affiliated New Thought Network, Hilltop International Truth Center, Association for Global New Thought, Agape, Divine Science, Universal Foundation for Better Living, One Spirit Ministries, Church of Truth, Home of Truth and Seicho-No-Ie.

The Power Point may be downloaded for free for presentation to ANY organization which wants to explore the history, beliefs, and rituals of the New Thought Tradition.

CLICK on the blue New Thought Day below.


Celebrating our History and Principles in New Thought Centers around the world.
Check with New Thought Churches in your area for special events on that day.
Centers for Spiritual Living
Unity Centers
Independent New Thought Churches (Affiliated New Thought Network)








Dear Friends,
We are now in the December Season of
Love, Forgiveness, Giving and Compassion.
All these ideas were taught by Jesus the Christ, the Master Teacher and Spiritual Leader. We celebrate his birth at Christmas time. We also celebrate the birth of the Christ Consciousness in us as well. We are the Christ in potential. He said, “What I do,
you can do also.”
This past week I have been focusing on the idea of FORGIVENESS, for without forgiveness there is no love. Without forgiveness it is difficult to even acknowledge the Divine Presence in another person. If Jesus the Christ can forgive, I can forgive as well.
On my meditation altar I have added a “Forgiveness” candle. I plan to light it everyday until I have a change of heart within me for a person who seems to say unkind things about Steve and me. I know when I have a change of heart and consciousness life with change. Terry Cole Whitaker said, “What others think of me, is none of my business.” I am not a victim. I am a partner in this journey. How I react to harsh words is what is so important.
If unkind words are spoken, my response is to send love, in my heart , mind and/or verbally. LOVE does conquer all. Darkness cannot stay when a LIGHT is turned on.
To forgive is always a choice. I choose to see the person as a Divine Being of God, having a human experience. Life on our human journey can be challenging so I acknowledge this for me and for her.
Today I will stay in the Consciousness of Love, Forgiveness, Giving and Compassion for all.
What Consciousness of Christ will you activate today?
Who will you forgive, love, give and show compassion?