Time to Unplug


Dear Friends,

I love this sweet dog in the quote above. It reminds me of how I feel when I take time
to be at peace and relax. Every year I take personal retreat days to just get away, spend time with nature, walk trails, read, write, color (yes I color in adult coloring books) and listen to lovely music. I will be doing that this week and Steve will be home in his own “home retreat.” I do take my cell phone and check in daily, but no laptop and no work. This is time for myself to rest and rejuvenate. The appearance of the world is troubled. The vibrations seem edgy and I can feel it when I am not mindful.
I would suggest, even if you cannot take a few days off, for one day UNPLUG, Rest, Rejuvenate, however that looks for you. If watching the news is upsetting, DON’T for that day. Find a tree with a bench and just sit and be, or read an uplifting book.
What makes you happy? What makes you feel good? Incorporate those things during your R&R day. You don’t even need to answer the phone!
I have a minister friend who UNPLUGS once a week. No work, no talking, no phone, no computer.
Our bodies and energy systems are meant to be in balance. When we are out of balance, stress appears which can cause dis-ease. So Stay in-EASE and find the time just for you.
Being in Ease,


Prayer Works!

Setting Conscious Intentions.
Every morning we need to wake up with a conscious intention in mind. I know when I sit for my morning prayers and meditations, the whole day seems to flow. My intentions and affirmative prayers manifest in directions that are sometimes surprising.
The Mind loves an intentional thought that is clear and specific with the feelings that it is already accomplished. Not having a clear intention is like swimming in
muddy water.

Last Friday the temperature in Poway ramped up to 105 degrees. IT WAS HOT! We expected our daughter and her little dog to come over since they did not have air conditioning. Whew, at first it felt good to have cool air circulating through the house. Then all of a sudden we noticed the air blowing had lost it coolness. Our AC was out. We called our insurance and left a message. No calls back.
Saturday came. I called again and this time I got the name of the AC Contractor they used. Called twice. No calls back. Called the insurance again later on Saturday afternoon and also on Sunday. By this time we were frustrated. Two of our neighbors came over to see if they could figure out what was going on. No luck.
Monday morning I sat in my meditation chair and felt at peace. I wrote out a prayer treatment with one of the sentences saying, “Thank you God for sending the right and true AC man out today. Our house is now cool and refreshing…”
I visualized a man walking through the house and troubleshooting areas that could be at fault. When I was done I got back on the phone with the insurance and left another message. I also looked up other AC contractors, made an appointment with one for Wednesday. AUK! For some reason (intuitive sight?) I saw another AC contractor’s company with a good review from YELP and called him. He said he could stop by either later today, Monday, or on Tuesday. We waited. Finally at 5pm Nathan called and said he would be over in 10 minutes. He was. Here was my image of a man checking the AC both inside and outside our house, and fixing the problem in about 15 minutes.
Thank you God!!! In a short time, our house was refreshingly cool.

Linda M. Potter, RsP who wrote the SoM July Daily Guides says.
“When we pray for clarity, we’re asking God for the ability to sort through the mental and emotional fog; to see the spiritual truth in the situation; and to determine what we really want, what we actually need and what best serves everyone involved.
It is our emotional commitment to a thought that welcomes it into our lives and begins the manifestation process.”
I was emotionally committed to having our AC fixed. I let go of my original idea of who it should be, and allowed God to come in and connect me with the right and true person. I am forever grateful for prayer treatment, knowing it always works!

Grateful for Prayer,


Meaning of Life

Dear Friends,
The other day, Steve and I were talking about the MEANING of LIFE. It is a big topic and I believe the meaning of life is different for everyone due to their personal life experiences.
I would like to share my thoughts about the Meaning of Life in an acronym.
L – LOVE unconditionally. To live is to love without strings attached or expectation of
something in return.
LIVE your life to the fullest with purpose and passion.
I – INSPIRE others to BE their Highest, Greatest and Best Selves. Lift up, not put down.
Follow your INTUITION (God’s Guidance).
F – FORGIVE yourself and forgive others. Forgiving is a Gift you give yourself and others.
E – EMBRACE and actively BE with ALL people regardless of race, color, creed, ethnicity,
gender preference and religion. A beautiful flower garden is beautiful because no
two flowers are alike.
I love the words of Karen Drucker’s Song “You Are the Face of God”

You are the face of God
I hold you in my heart,
You are a part of me
You are the face of God…

You are the face of love
I hold you in my heart
You are my family
You are the face of God

Everyone you look at is the Face of God and we are ONE Family.
Lovingly, Your Sister,


Spring Cleaning

Dear Friends,
It is Spring! I love this season. Even in California, we have our “winter,” maybe not as severe as the mid-west or east coast, however we still have a change in weather.
I love to see the tulips, the lilies the lilacs, the jacaranda trees and all the new growth blooming. Even the air smells good. Spring is the time of the year where we can start anew, and bloom again.
Where is it you would like to start anew? I am sure there are times in your lives when you “wished” you had said something, done something or been someone better.
Now is the time! You do not have to BE the old you. You can BE the NEW you.
It is like cleaning out closets in the Spring only it is cleaning out Consciousness. It is letting go of what no longer serves you. An old Consciousness based on fear, unworthiness, and sadness only holds you back. Being unforgiving blocks your good as well.
Ernest Holmes said,
“Change the consciousness and the false condition will disappear.”
What ever it is, it is time to Spring Clean Consciousness, and change those old tapes, thoughts and feelings. Allow the fresh air to blow in and breathe in the flow of love, wholeness, goodness, growth and God’s blessings
Lovingly Blooming,

April is Multicultural Communications Month

April 3, 2018
Dear Friends,
I love that April is Multicultural Month! Let us celebrate all the beautiful and diverse people living on our earth with us. Being so involved with the Interfaith Movement, Steve and I meet many people of different faiths, cultures, races, ethnicities all the time. We realize everyone is a fellow traveler, in this thing we call life, doing the best they can, just like we are.
Are you in a faith center that embraces diversity? Sometimes centers are so focused on their own faith tradition, there isn’t room to include those not of their faith.
During this month, I challenge you to step forward and offer to create an “Interfaith Outreach” committee to plan various activities to get to know your neighbors.
Some suggestions are:
Bring in speakers to share about their faith traditions.
Plan an interfaith potluck to get to know another faith community near you.
Work together on a social issue or charity project.
Show movies such as “The Sultan and the Saint” to promote understanding.
When we work, eat and play together we make a stranger, a friend.
Remember, everyone is a child of God. Everyone is an emanation of the most High God. We all have God DNA in us. We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are connected at the Source, our Creator. We are one family.
Get to know your multicultural and interfaith brothers and sisters. See the Face of God in each one. You will be blessed.
Loving the Oneness,



We Are Always Connected

Dear Friends,
In our New Thought teaching we believe, “There is only One Mind, and that is the Mind of God and that Mind is my mind now.”
We all think into this ONE MIND which means we are always connected.  Our thoughts are our ‘focus connections’ with what we are doing, and who we are speaking to.  The beauty is, we are connected with those who live far away, and that is why Prayer Treatment works!  When we realize our wholeness, we realize wholeness for everyone, and those we are treating for.  My mentor, Dr. Juanella Evans always said, “God can never be harmed, marred, scarred, nor injured.” We are God in this form so in the reality of our spiritual being, neither can we.
Taking it one step further, we have the ability to connect with those who have crossed to the other side.  People tell me all the time their mother, father or sibling came to them in a dream or gave them a ‘sign’.  While walking the labyrinth, Steve’s brother came to me with the message, “We never really leave.” For me that means we are always together, always connected and have the ability to stay in contact whether in the physical or not.  My mother came to me in a dream which  opened my heart even further and I gained tremendous insight into why she was so unhappy in this life time.
I could feel tremendous love for her.
If you miss a loved one, take a moment to be still, bring up a visual or memory of this person and ask him or her to share a message. The message may come at that moment, or in a dream, a sign on a billboard, or a phone call from a friend.
Nevertheless, there is only ONE MIND, whether you are on this side of the veil or the other side. We are always in the inclusive love, and  realm of God.
Be at peace and know, you are never alone and always connected.
Listening with Heart,

Trust in God

December 19, 2017
Dear Friends,
I began writing this last week as the fires started to  soar through northern San Diego County. I  began to pray and trust in God for the Divine Outcome. I meditated and visualized a bubble of light as a protective shield surrounding our home, all the property and the labyrinth. I saw the angels  encircling everything.  This protective bubble extended outward to our neighbors, the city of Poway and beyond.  I saw the winds subsiding as I spoke my word, just as Jesus the Christ spoke his word to the winds and waves on the Sea of Galilee.
In addition to prayer. I packed up ready to leave in case we got the evacuation call.  Even though we live 1/2 hour away from the Lilac fire, one never knows when or if the wind will change direction.  I  felt so blessed to have the things we have. And I know what ever would happen, Steve and I would be fine!
Today as I write this, the fires are contained and our prayers are with  those who have lost their homes and pets in the fires.  We send them love knowing the Highest and Best is happening. People are pulling together in collaboration to help and support one another. In the midst of disaster, there is always a blessing. Each person will find the blessing meant for them. We know the Divine Plan is always one of Good.
In trust and surrender, I say thank you God.

Don’t Forget the Best

Dear Friends,
I received this in an email from a friend and wanted to share  it with you. I do not know who wrote it. It is a powerful reminder of what is really important, especially  at this holiday season.  Stop a moment and appreciate the beauty around you. That is God’s Best!
“Once upon a time there was a shepherd boy tending sheep on the side of a mountain.
One day he saw at his feet a beautiful flower – one that was more beautiful than any he had ever seen.  He knelt down and scooped the flower in his hands and held it close to his eyes, drinking in its beauty.  As he held the flower close to his face, suddenly he heard a noise and looked up before him.
There he saw a great mountain opening up before his eyes. Inside the mountain, he saw a sprinkling of beautiful gems and gold. With the flower in his hands, he walked inside. Laying the flower down, he began to gather gold and precious gems.
With all that his arms could carry, he turned and began to walk out of the cavern. Then a voice said to him, “Don’t forget the best.”
Thinking that perhaps he had overlooked some choice piece of treasure, he returned and picked up additional pieces of gold.
With his arms overflowing, he walked back outside. And the voice said, “You forgot the best, for the beautiful flower is the key to the vault.”  All of a sudden, the gold and gems turned to dust.  He looked around in time to see the mountain closing its doors. The boy forgot the best, and lost a treasure.
All secular beauty was created by God to lead our affections to Him. The pleasures of earthly treasures and beauty fade away in time. God’s beauty is constant and everlasting.
Remember the Source of the beauty we enjoy in life. The gold and gems are but a reflection and expression of God Himself.
True happiness can only come to us from the Creator, not the creation.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
~Psalm 37:4
You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, 
and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in You. ”
~ Saint Augustine
Choosing Wisely,

I Am a Vortex of God


Dear Friends,

I walked the labyrinth this morning and then sat on one of our comfy chairs to pause, reflect and meditate.  I looked at the center of the labyrinth with its beautiful gifts of crystals and stones.  It looked like a beautiful vortex where love, joy, healing, wholeness can come up from the depths of Mother Earth and spray out into the ethers of our neighborhood, city, state, country and world.  A spray of Love to all.

I also thought of vortexes in Sedona and other places in the world. We can’t always go to these energetic   places to experience an encounter with the Divine.  I feel very blessed to have a labyrinth in my backyard.

Then the thought came to me, places such as Sedona or the center of our labyrinth is not the only Vortex.  There are millions, billions of vortexes and one of them is ME.  It occurred to me, sometimes when walking the labyrinth we are trying to GET to something, or GET an answer from something, which is God. 

In New Thought we believe we are ONE in, as and of God.  We are walking emissaries and immanent beings of God. Therefore what we are seeking, we are already, God, Spirit, Divine Intelligence, Great Love and more! Aren’t we really seeking God when we ask for a healing, or a solution to a problem or  the right outcome for a challenge?

Yes of course.  

“Our desire is for God to fix broken things. But God’s desire for us is to fix our relationship with him. ” 

-Laura Story,

We really don’t have to go anywhere. We can imagine ourselves walking a labyrinth or being at one of the world’s energy vortexes.  We breathe deeply to quiet our heart, mind, body and think about GOD.  

“Be Still and Know That I AM God.”

When we do, Spirit can rise up within us as a gentle flow of love, knowledge, wisdom, wholeness, caring and divine ideas which we can understand and use as answers and solutions to our prayers.

 WE Are Our Own Center, Our Own GOD VORTEX!!!

 God within has all and is all that we could ever need.