Parliament of World Religions 2015

Dear Friends,

The Parliament of World Religions was an amazing and indescribable event!  It is something to experience!

Lectures, panels, cultural performances, breakout sessions, experiential activities, cultural exhibits, a FREE Sangar lunch provided by the Sikh Community of Salt Lake and more cannot describe the Diversity of Humanity (10,000 people) and the immense love among people coming together from more than 50 world religions and cultures.  It really demonstrates INTERFAITH is a movement growing by leaps and bounds. We need to be grounded in the love for our own faith and at the same time, expand to experience the global network.

The NEXT Parliament will be in 2 years, not 5.

Where and when has not been decided yet.

Here are a few photos…

Dr. Abigail’s  Presentation was great!


14 year old Indigenous Girl was Eloquent!

14 year old Indigenous Girl 2

Muslim Woman speaking on Women’s Rights and Leadership

Muslim Woman 1

All Gore

Gore Al

Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala

Buddhist Sand Mandala 4

Barundi Drum Group

Burundi Drum Group 2

Circle Dancing in the Great Hall


Dances from India

Indian dancing young girls 1

International Children’s Choir

Interfaith Childrens Choir 2


Native Indigenous Children

  Native girls Steve Abigail

Jain Temple

Jain Temple 1

Breakout DialogueURI Circle dialoge 2


Salt Table – Kinesthetic Play

Salt Play

Whirling Dervishes

Whirling Dervishes

Women Catholic Priests

Women Priests

( Many Christian, from fundamental traditions  and Mormon Women are seeking ordination as well!)

Overwhelmed and Exhausted was a common experience.



  One World, One Human Family!



Have Fun, Play!

“The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the playing child advances forward to new stages of mastery.”
-Erik H. Erikson

Dear Friends,

We had a wonderful visit with our niece and her family for two days. My sweet grandnieces kept us entertained and filled with love and joy as they discovered new and wondrous things inside and outside  the house.
They loved walking the labyrinth and finding the little crystals and mini stones placed among the river rocks. They contributed a few small stones to the labyrinth as well.
They loved playing with all the trains, houses, animals, and elves in our North Pole Dept 56 Christmas collection. Our Thomas Train “hat” ended up in the Disneyland of the North Pole and one little moose seemed to “lose” an antler. Watching them play so creatively made us laugh. What a fun romp!
We  took a trip to the Children’s Museum where they could play on swinging ropes, paint, draw, make clay objects,  blow bubbles, build things, pretend in playhouses and sail boats.
When was the last time you played to just have fun, with no agenda?    I have been so pre-occupied with the Parliament, it was a blessing to take a day off, have fun and focus on these little girls and our delightful niece and her husband.  Fabulous parents! My niece and I have teaching in common so we shared many funny stories of our experiences. Laughter always accompanies FUN!


AVA on tires ELLIE climbing curved ladder12118968_615494384265_4401813534017379099_n Ellie Abigail Ava 10.9.15 Ellie Ava in new sleeping bags 10.9.15Sleeping, in their new ladybug sleeping bags,  after a  long day of fun and play.

Our Sacred Gift

The Intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and forgotten the gift.”
-Albert Einstein


Dear Friends,
This wonderful quote by Albert Einstein, math and science genius, reminds me of the New Thought saying,
“Love leads the Way
Law makes the way happen.”
At this period of time in our history, science and spirituality are finding common ground.  Intuitively the Avatars and Mystics have always known our intuition is the guiding light of our being. When it feels right, we speak our word from our heart -mind into Law, and the way opens up for us.
Today, I ask you where is your  intuitive mind guiding you to do, to be, to go, to act?  What is stopping you?
Remember when God calls you, God will open the doors for you, maintain and sustain you in the spirit calling of your heart and mind intuition.  Intuition is God speaking directly to you.
TRUST in it.  Let go of any fear, uncertainty, the ‘what if’s’ you may be thinking.
TRUST in the guidance.  Say YES to It.
SPEAK your word (rational mind) into  the LAW of Mind and the right and true path for you will be made
perfectly clear.
Our intuitive mind and heart are our sacred gifts from our Creator. Our rational mind is our servant and when we speak words with reverence, trust and certainty, we Trust the Source Mind to bring forth the Divine Outcome that is for our highest good.   Intuition is a sacred gift. Words spoken into the Law is a sacred gift.
Use both well.

Let Go, BE God


Dear Friends,

I love looking at all the beautiful trees on my morning walks. Lately I noticed the birch trees were shedding their outer bark and underneath was this new and very smooth white bark.   What a wonderful example of shedding what no longer serves us.  Letting go of any negativity that is layered on top of our true God selves.

The trees looked free and happy swaying in the wind.  We too can be free and happy when we let go of what no longer serves us:




victim attitude

….you add yours.

Underneath it all is our True God Conscious Self, always ready willing and available to emerge through the darkness of our consciousness and BE the light, smooth loving spirit that we are intended to be.

I believe our hearts were blown wide open by Pope Frances’ visit this past week. His words were kind, and yet he made us look at our social and justice system and how we can improve it, by taking care of and respecting others of all faith, cultures, creeds and affiliations.

All people are God’s people. All people are God in Expression. All people are sacred.  Let us truly practice the Golden and the Platinum rule in our lives wherever we go and whomever we are with. The more we do that, the more the unwanted layers peel away and we shed what no longer serves us.  We become and behave as God, in all, as all because God is all.

You Got It! Go For It!

Dear Friends,

We had an excellent workshop on Saturday.   Women empowering themselves and then empowering others as well as men empowering women, are actions which will change the world.  We saw women who broke the “rules” to make change happen. We heard about women who faced challenges and stepped forward to complete the task, take responsibility, use the skills of collaboration and consensus to lead.   We know whatever is pulling at your heart strings, you have the capability to do it.

“God calls the unequipped, then equips the called!”  

As the quote says above, whatever is calling you, go for it, open a new door, make a new path.

Muriel Strode said,

“Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Empowered Women Stand Together


Silowhette EWFEMPOWERED WOMEN of FAITH Saturday!

Dear Friends,

This Saturday is the Empowered Women of Faith workshop at Abigail Albert’s home.   This is the presentation she will be giving at the Parliament of World Religions in October.  Come by and empower yourself with inspiration, new ideas and a possible NEW Calling! Be encouraged by blessings in the challenges, and make a commitment to help another woman on her spiritual journey. Every woman has innate gifts to share and are uniquely hers to give.
Find them,
Use them,
Be them!
The workshop will begin in the home with a power point presentation and then a labyrinth walk to open to Divine Ideas which you can understand and use!

Wonderful Quotes by Empowered Women!

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.” –
Margaret Thatcher
“A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts.” –
Nancy Rathburn

“A woman is like a tea bag-you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” –
Eleanor Roosevelt
858-487-8885  [email protected]

17762 St. Andrews Dr. Poway, CA 92064

Capture the Moment

 Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life
Omar Khayyam


Dear Friends,
My morning walks are not only nourishing, they are Divinely inspiring.  One morning I was enthralled by the beauty of God’s works and I stopped by a spectacular spider web. It was huge, intricate and stunning as the sun sparkled on the web.  I had to look at it deeply and take a picture.  I really wanted to Capture the Moment!  On my walks I do set an intention to be alert for God signs, whispers, and gifts of glorious newness.  If I don’t, I will miss them.
When my children were little they were always so independent, which was great.  However, there were those moments when they came to me and just wanted to talk, show me something or to just sit on my lap.  No matter what I was doing, or how busy I was, I always stopped to capture the moment with them. Once they felt heard, nourished and listened to, they were off being independent again!  We must always make time to stop and capture the moment for love and well being or it will be gone.
•Give a loved one an unexpected hug and kiss.        …C the M
•Hug and kiss your kids and grand kids even when they are wet, dirty, muddy and joyful  from playing outside… C the M
•Look up at the sky and appreciate the clouds and all the formations they create…        C the M
•See a tree, climb it, talk to the Merlin in it. What does it tell you?  …C the M

Gnarled Tree

            Set an intention to discover something new in your                         neighborhood.  Be open to discovery….

PLANT Unknown

even if you are not sure what it is
Stop and Capture the Moment!

Dance Along the Way

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
It’s to enjoy each step along the way.
-Wayne Dyer

Dear Friends,

We are beginning to leave the summer behind and embrace the newness of the Fall.  I can’t help thinking of Wayne Dyer, one of the icons of positive health, wholeness, prosperity and high consciousness. We honor him today for his love, wisdom and compassion for humanity.  His earth time is over and we know he is in the midst of embracing the newness and wonder of the other side.  I love his quote above.  I believe through his childhood and adulthood he kept dancing through it all. He found his secret to living a happy, purposeful and abundant life and was willing to share it with the world. Wayne, we know you are embraced in Divine Love as you continue your eternal journey.

We were at a friend’s memorial yesterday and we all celebrated the fun memories we had as well as the sad. We know this person too is moving forward on his forever life journey.

So, while we are still here in our earth life, let us take time to celebrate the life we have with our friends and family. Take the time to call, email, visit and express your love and appreciation while they are visible and within hugging reach.

Remember to laugh, dance and enjoy each step along the way.


Walk Those Hills

“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way                      to make life beautiful for others.”
-Mandy Hale,
The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Dear Friends,Helping hands team work

As many of you know I love my early morning walks. It is a wonderful time to be in touch with Spirit and all Spirit’s wonders; trees, flowers, sky, birds, bunnies and even a coyote once in awhile.  One day I felt a bit tired and didn’t  feel like walking, but I put on my shoes and went anyway. No mater which way I turned, right or left, I had to walk up a hill.   This particular morning it felt like hiking up a small mountain. Somehow I just kept going. As I continued, I seemed to feel better and picked up my speed.  Eventually I was walking down a hill and the thought occurred to me, life is a bunch of hills, going up and down.  The hills up are our challenges. When we reach the top, or begin to see the situation from a higher view, we feel better and  life gets easier. When we are  walking down the hill, life seems like it is going pretty well.  I know there have been experiences where we ask, “Why Me…???”  So the answer is also a question,  “Why Not You…!”  It is not the experience itself,  it is our reaction, and how we handle it in heart and mind, that is truly important. We are all here to learn, unfold spiritually, and transform consciousness.  All events, all people, all situations are part of the Divine Design to help us do just that!  So often after a challenging experience ( health, love, work, betrayal or hurt) we are in a position to HELP someone else.  Now we have a clearer vision, and perspective on our situation, and are better equipped to help someone else go through a similar experience.   The more we encourage and inspire others, the more we are encouraged and inspired as well.
We are all on this journey together.  We all go up and down those hills.

So put those shoes on and appreciate the walk, wherever it leads!

The 4 C’s

cleanDear Friends,

On my walk this morning I was divinely guided to come back home and begin CLEANING!  I love the 4 C’sCleaning Clears Consciousness & Clutter!
I find when I begin cleaning and clearing out the garage, other areas that need attending follow, like closets, and cabinets under sinks.  It is a wonderful time to Free the mind from normal activities and enjoy the freedom of giving things away, either to the library, Goodwill or the hungry gray trashbin! 🙂  I also find thoughts come up to reflect on and then let go. The same with cleaning out “items,’ we let go of what no longer serves us and we make way for new good in our lives! What a refreshing way to clean!
Today a NEW idea came to mind for me to look at, and think about.  This new thought was really not new, but I felt it at a deeper level.  I was feeling my Spirit think, and reflect, as I envisioned my brain. I am grateful for my brain and yet my spirit, my consciousness is alive and well with or without my body brain.  My Consciousness is Spirit and is the one doing the thinking, the work, the Being.  I blessed my body as the container for my True Self.  I felt  “At Home” in my Spirit Self.
All that, from cleaning the garage!  It was a profound experience, one I am not telling very well.  Some experiences cannot be explained, just felt.
Are you ready for something NEW?  Allow the
4 C’s to flow. Cleaning Clears Consciousness & Clutter.
Be Free!4Cs