Muslim Woman praying

This Hijab, This mark of Piety, is an act of faith,
a symbol for all the world to see…”

Dear Friends,
We celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Day all over the United States on Monday, January 18th.  It is a joy to know what an impact his spiritual non-violent philosophy has had on our country. Our country consciousness has risen to one of more respect, friendship and equality with people of all color. However we still have a ways to go.
Also on Monday there was a wonderful rally in  San Diego to raise the consciousness of people concerning the Muslim community and especially the Muslim women who feel so uncomfortable being in the public eye.
was the continued mantra at the:“Gathering in Solidarity with Muslim Women”
event at Balboa Park on Monday, Jan. 18th, 2016.
Channel CW6 reported  it at the 10pm news. Rabbi Laurie Coskey was the MC and there were over 400 interfaith people, both men and women, showing support of Muslim women who wear the traditional head scarf and/or hijab. Imam Taha Hassane was there sharing how women in his congregation were afraid to go out. Many are being harassed, spoken rudely to or being accused of terror.
Rev. Dr. Abigail was there and stood with the clergy in solidarity.
It was wonderful to see so many in support of our sisters.

Support Crowd 3

Interfaith Support

Girl Scouts and Imam Taha

Imam Taha Hassane and the Girl Scouts singing.

Learning to put on head scarves

Leaning how to wrap a headscarf

When you are in a store or public place and there is a Muslim woman, talk to her and let her know you support her and the Muslim community. Offer assistance if she is being harassed.   We must stop this uncalled for hatred and misunderstanding before it escalates further.