Gathering in Solidarity

GATHERING in SOLIDARITYmuslim-women-business-coaching2

January 12, 2016
Dear Friends,
I was saddened to see on the news, a  Muslim woman by the name of Rose, asked to leave Donald Trumps political rally. What people said to her and accused her of as she was escorted out was at the very least insensitive, disrespectful and unkind.  Incidents like these remind me of the Old West when lynch mobs were formed due to misinformation, hate and hysteria. It also reminded me of the Klu Klux Klan ,the Nazis,  and what is going on in Africa.  Have we learned anything?  Why are we not following the message of the Master Avatars from all religions?
Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Compassion?
On Monday, January 18th, at 2pm, I will be joining women from many faith traditions to stand up with and for my Muslim sisters at a peace rally in Balboa Park. Imam Taha Hassane from the Islamic Center of San Diego said the women in his congregation are terrified to go out in public anymore.  We  will be showing our solidarity by wearing scarfs on our heads.
If you are in the San Diego area please join us at 6th and Laurel Streets.  (See below for more info)
Let us NOT let the actions of a few muddy the water for the majority.
A Salaam Alaikum