Dear Friends,

I really look forward to my morning cup of coffee. It is the only one I have all day. Lately I have been bringing it out to our balcony to watch the sun rise
over the hills. It is so peaceful and calm. I enjoy reading spiritual material that focuses my mind on all the GOOD/GOD there is. I put on my prayer beads and
sit with my amethyst and clear crystals. I pray for our family, friends, those who are experiencing hardships or health issues and even those who have gone
on to the other side. Inspiration comes to me from multiple sources, scripture, spiritual material, whispering thought and quiet meditation. I sit there realizing
I am being infused with Spirit, with the Divine Presence. I am uplifted and energized. I am clear headed and filled with purpose for the day.
I am so happy during this time, being near, and close to God’s Presence.
One of my favorite verses to ponder is:

“Be still and know that I Am God…(Psalm 46:10)”
Ernest Holmes continues with these words:
I am still in Thy Presence.
I am quiet and peaceful, for I put my trust in Thee.
A great stillness steals over me and a great calm quiets my whole being,
as I realize Thy Presence.
My heart knows of Thee, O Most High within.
It is still in Thy Presence, and it puts its whole confidence in Thee alone.
In Thy Presence I am still.

These beautiful words remind me I am always in the Presence of God for God is always within me. All this with just a morning cup of coffee. 🙂

Take time in the mornings before the busy-ness of the day grabs you or the news on TV and the papers distract you from the truth of your being.
BE the presence of God as you journey through the day. Be confident God has the day handled! Trust, release and let go.


Enjoying my Cuppa with God,