Dear Friends,

I received the new August ‘Science of Mind’ magazine with the theme of        “Passion and Purpose.” The articles are excellent, informative with delightful stories
of people finding their purpose and passion when everything seemed to come to a stand still. I want to share some of the writers’ insights with you.

Rev. Sally Robbins, interviewed Cory Booker some years ago and asked him if he wanted to be President of the United States. His answer was enlightening.
He said, ” Most of us focus on a position when we say what we want. That is not a calling. When you say, ‘I want to serve children or the community ,
the country or create a better life for…., that is a calling, a VISION. That is a mission.”

“Living a life on purpose requires us to ask ourselves whether we are living the life we want.“(Sally Robbins) For instance if you decide to take a new job,
is it aligned with your vision, mission, higher purpose or just a job? Will you feel you are joyfully serving? Does it ping your heart strings?
If you have not found the ideal “job” or place of work , then you are probably in, what we call, ‘divine discontent”. It is a good place to be for it allows you to PAUSE a moment, be still, and begin listening to God within you. It is time to think about what you LOVE, what you really want to do and the gifts God has given you: talents, skills, abilities and a vision purpose before you came into this lifetime. It is all there within you, just ready
to burst forth.

Rev. Karen Russo says, “Do what you love and the money will follow.” Attune deeply into what you love, what lights you up. What is your unique passion?”
Life is not about a JOB, Life is about a purposeful vision which becomes your mission. Once you are clear, the opportunities arise out of the blue.


Ernest Holmes said, “There is an irresistible potential pressing against everyone for
self-expression. If we listen, we shall hear it, not as a voice, but as a FEELING, as a divine urge to express.”



Affirm: “I confidently declare and claim that I unfold my highest potentiality and purpose. I live in the flow of my passion – everything that lights me up,
brings me joy and makes my heart sing from the rooftops!”
(Rev. Karen Fry)








Doing What Lights Us Up,
Abigail and Steve