Open the Presence

Dear Friends,    Mystical light

In my meditative labyrinth walk this morning I was in awe of the many gifts and blessings in my life right now.

As I walked, I felt the Presence of God so distinctly. There are so many words for God, in so many languages all meaning the same thing, the Presence, our Creator, Source, and The One.   Interesting the word “Presence” and “present” are so similar.

I believe everyday God’s Presence is Its gift/present to us.  All we have to do is OPEN It..  How do we do that, and what is inside?  We open our hearts and minds to the awesomeness of God’s love for All beings regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender or species.  It is non-judgmental and unconditional. When we open the “Presence/Present” within ourselves, we peel away the wrappers of paper, ribbon, tissue and all things such as prejudices, biases, and misconceptions that may get in the way of our unconditional and nonjudgmental love for All. As we approach Christmas, let us open the Presence of the Christ within, the God Presence within and BE the Divine Being giving peace, love, joy and understanding wherever we go.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa,

Connected at Our Soul

“May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world
for all humankind.”
Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Dear Friends,

My friend and colleague
Rev. Dr. Pattie Weber wrote:Soul Connection

“We are all connected at the soul.”  I loved reading her words, for they are so true. The meaning of this concept  is important for us to be aware of and think about every day when we are with our family, friends and people we know and meet. We are all connected at the soul.  There may be times during this holiday season, with all the hustle and bustle in the stores and on the streets, we may be feeling just the opposite. Long lines, rude people, busy traffic, all may contribute to our feelings of disconnect with each other and ultimately God.  When an irritation creeps up, just stop and say to yourself, “I am connected at the soul level with this person.  I am connected to God in this person.”  Thinking those very thoughts will create a shift in consciousness, which will ultimately shift your action and/or reaction in the next  moment.  Anytime we raise our consciousness by knowing the truth of our being and the truth of another person’s being (same truth), it brings the world closer to the ultimate peace we are all striving for. I am connected to you. You are connected to me. We are ONE in, as and of God.  What a beautiful gift to know and be.  Much love from my soul to your soul, the One Soul of God..

My Best Possible Version of Myself

Best Version by Steve Mariboli   I was reading the daily inspiration by Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard in the Science of Mind magazine and the phrase that stood out for me was, “The Best Possible Version of Ourselves.”  So I asked myself, “What is the best possible version of myself?”  I began a list and when I thought I was done, it was pretty amazing.  My best self is when I am really being ME, the Higher Me, the God me, practicing my Christ Consciousness. All of it is truly ME. What a wonderful question to ask yourself when annoyances, or unexpected challenges come up.  “What is the best possible me in this moment? ” How can I express and relate as my God Self? What words would my Christ Consciousness say?  This concept is familiar because we have heard the phrase, “What would Jesus do, or What would Buddha or Krishna do?”  The difference is, we are not trying to BE like our master avatars, we are deciding to BE the Master/Avatar of our own Self.  That to me is truly transforming. The Holy Zohar, the Book of Avraham says, “For the manifestation of complete fulfillment to take place, we need to evolve into our truest, greatest selves. In our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions; we need to erase negativity and replace darkness with Light…. When someone does a wrong deed, or says an unkind word to you, stop for a moment, close your eyes and ask yourself, ‘What is the best possible version of myself in this moment?” Bring it forward with thoughts of love, feelings of compassion and acts of kindness. That is your True Self being YOU.

Healing Labyrinth Walk

R. White writes,” Walking the labyrinth supposedly promotes spiritual awakening and deeper inner knowledge. Followers testify to arousal of feelings (good and bad), renewed creativity, brain re-mapping and energy production. Labyrinths have taken their place next to sacred circle dances and sweet-grass ceremonies taught as rediscovered ancient practices to enhance spiritual growth” Labyrinth healing Dear Friends, HEALING, what is the secret? We all have had our physical and emotional challenges, and when our bodies and minds  begin to FEEL better there is such a sense of relief!  I keep going back to the Master Jesus’s words, “What I do you can do also, and even greater things.”  He was a Master healer.  Today in our world I know we have Masters walking the earth healing and doing “even greater things.”  Some are known to the public and others are not.  Each person I have met who has “the gift” has told me everyone has the potential. I read in the “Creative Thought” magazine a prayer by J. Alison Hiber, RScP, who said, “I declare my freedom in knowing there is nothing broken, nothing to fix , nothing to save, and nothing to improve….There is no improvement, there is only evolution; God guides the way.” The Holy Zohar, The book of Avraham states, “For the manifestation of complete fulfillment to take place, we need to evolve into our truest, greatest selves. In our thoughts, our feelings, and our action, we need to erase negativity and replace darkness with Light.” To me HEALING is an Evolution of Consciousness. As we begin to explore the potential within us and acknowledge our Divinity, our Light, we can begin to accept the amazing spiritual masters we really are!

Come join us this Saturday to explore and evolve into your personal mastery and Discover Your Secret to Healing !

Saturday, December 6th 1:30-4pm Love Offering Bring a Prayer Bear

Steve and Abigail will deliver the bears to the patients at Palomar Hospital                     in Escondido.

All Faith Center, 17762 St. Andrews Dr. Poway, CA 92064